5 Weeks to Win a Living Wage

SIPTU Big Start
2 min readSep 4, 2019

The Early Years sector is in the middle of a low pay crisis.

94% of Educators struggle to make ends meet and 51% are actively looking for a new job.

That’s because Early Years Educators earn on average just €11.18 per hour; thousands earn just over the minimum wage of €9.80 per hour.

Low pay also impacts on providers; 91% say problems with recruiting and retaining staff will negatively affect the viability of their service.

Early Years needs a pay rise, and we have 5 weeks to make it happen.

Government Funding For A Living Wage

Providers don’t have the money for the professional pay and conditions that educators deserve; only government has the resources to make this happen.

That’s why Minister Zappone interview in the Sunday Business Post was so significant; she has called for government to support private and community providers to pay the Living Wage of €12.30 in October’s budget, 5 weeks from now.

This would make a real difference in the lives of thousands Educators.

5 Weeks To Make A Difference

The Living Wage is not the destination, but an important step on the path to professional pay; but we are not there yet!

If we put enough pressure on T.D.s, we can make sure that Budget 2020 delivers for the Early Years sector … but this won’t happen without you.

That’s why we are asking all SIPTU members and supporters to contact their local T.D.s by phone or email and asking then to support a Living Wage in October’s Budget.

You can make a difference today by talking to your local T.D. about:

  1. Why low pay is a problem
  2. The Living Wage is the minimum Early Years Educators should earn
  3. Asking them to support a Living Wage in Budget 2020

You can find your local T.D. here and the SIPTU Pre-Budget Submission here.

Your local SIPTU organsier can also help you with this really important action.

To all the people who have already taken this action, well done, you have made a real impact!

Together we can win the recognition we deserve.

You can join SIPTU, the Early Years union by clicking here .

