Reopening Early Years: Have Your Say

SIPTU Big Start
2 min readMay 15, 2020


SIPTU has secured a position on the DCYA’s Advisory Group on the reopening of the Early Years sector.

This means the issues and concerns of over 6,000 SIPTU members will be on the table when big decisions are being made.

Our first priority is the safety and welfare of educators, children and parents.

But there are other big issues like funding, pay and the sustainability of services.

Roadmap for Reopening

Government has set out the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business based on advice from the National Public Health Emergency Team (NEPHT).

On the 29th June “crèches, childminders and pre-schools for children of essential workers” are scheduled to reopen, along with shops and playgrounds.

Services are due to gradually reopen for all children on 20th July.

We need agreed policies and procedures that keep everyone safe.

Have Your Say

SIPTU activists are already discussing the issues around reopening, but we want to hear from all Early Years professionals to inform our position.

That’s why we are conducting a national survey.

It will take just three minutes and will help with our work on the DCYA Advisory Committee.

Please share this survey with your colleagues and other Early Years professionals.

The more responses, the better our union can advocate for the safest reopening of our sector.

If you haven’t already do so, you can join SIPTU here.

As always SIPTU members can contact their local organisers or email



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