Strong Arguments Need a Strong Voice
Over the past weeks educators and provides have been busy getting ready for the new term; it’s a hectic and exciting time.
They have also been getting ready for the next stage of the SIPTU Big Start Campaign for decent pay and funding.
In yesterday’s Irish Times we set out the arguments why the government should be investing Early Years and increasing pay. We also set out why the current funding model is broken and why we need a new one if we want high quality and affordable childcare.
Our colleagues in the Irish Congress of Trade Unions have also launched the union pre-budget submission. It calls for an increased investment of €500m in the Early Years and other education areas. This amount would transform Early Years and could easily be paid for by abolishing reduced VAT rate for hospitality sector.
Strong Arguments Need A Strong Voice
Over the next 12 month we will continue to argue for decent pay, more funding and a funding model that works.
But we also know that strong arguments don’t change things on their own; we also need to build a strong union.
By building a strong union, it mean that the government and big decision makers have to listen to us.
Already thousands of educators have joined SIPTU and made a difference; thank you.
If you are not yet a member, you can join the campaign for recognition by clicking here.