TAKE ACTION: Tell Paschal Why ECEC needs a Living Wage
Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe has a choice to make in October’s budget.
Will he support a Living Wage for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) professionals? Or will he allow the low pay crisis to continue, undermining quality for children and sustainability of services?
Let’s be clear, the crisis is real.
94% of ECEC professionals struggle to make ends meet and 51% are actively looking for a new job.
That’s because Early Years Educators earn on average just €11.18 per hour; thousands earn just over the minimum wage of €9.80.
Protest Postcards for Paschal
This year’s SIPTU pre-budget submission calls for everyone working in ECEC to earn at least the Living Wage of €12.30 per hour. This is not the pay that professionals deserve; it is a threshold of decency that no one should earn below.
The campaign has already made good progress; Katherine Zappone has publicly called for an ECEC Living Wage, but we need government funding to make it happen.
That’s why we are asking everyone to send a Protest Postcard to Paschal Donohoe. He needs to hear why low pay is a problem and how it’s impacting on people’s lives.
By showing him that low pay is a big issue for thousands of professionals, we can win the necessary funding for the Living Wage in October’s budget.
You can get Protest Postcards by contacting bigstart@siptu.ie or calling your local SIPTU organsier with your name and address.
Also, if you still have to join SIPTU, you can fill out an application form here.
Together we can win the recognition we deserve.