The Corporate Takeover of ECEC: Lessons from the UK
What is the future of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)?
Will quality be the driving force, with funding for professional pay and affordable, sustainable services?
Or will it be dominated by large corporate chains and investment funds who maximise profit?
A new ECEC funding model is going to answer these questions.
At a recent conference in Trinity College, we spoke to Professor Helen Penn about the corporate takeover of ECEC in the UK.
She painted a frightening picture of corporate chains maximising profit and shareholder return while squeezing out smaller private and not for profit providers.
We can’t afford to make the same mistakes in Ireland.
ECEC is stuck in the vicious cycle of low pay, high staff turnover and struggling services.
This cannot continue.
That’s why SIPTU supports the development of a new funding model; but it must deliver higher quality, not higher corporate profits.
We need a model that recognises and values our profession with funding for decent pay, a Sectoral Employment Order and sustainable services; these are the building blocks of quality.
By building a strong union we can make sure the voice of ECEC professionals is heard.
By campaigning before the next election, we can make sure we get the funding model and pay scales our profession deserves.
This is real opportunity transform ECEC for the better; let’s take it.
Join SIPTU and the campaign for decent pay confidentially at